May 19, 2013

WYSIWYG Html Editor and XSS Attack Prevention

In my previous post, we implemented CRUD operations with HTML WYSIWYG editor and allowed user to enter html code for formatting. Now the next step is to validate html input to prevent XSS. One way is to use AntiXss library, but the newer version breaks everything and has compatibility issues, so not reliable. Here is the white-list approach where you can allow specific html tags and other tags will be html encoded based on this discussion(Archive Version).

  public class HtmlUtility
        private static readonly Regex HtmlTagExpression = new Regex(@"
            RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);

        private static readonly Regex HtmlAttributeExpression = new Regex(@"
            RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);

        private static readonly Dictionary<string, List<string>> ValidHtmlTags = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>
            {"p", new List<string>          {"style", "class", "align"}},
            {"div", new List<string>        {"style", "class", "align"}},
            {"span", new List<string>       {"style", "class"}},
            {"br", new List<string>         {"style", "class"}},
            {"hr", new List<string>         {"style", "class"}},
            {"label", new List<string>      {"style", "class"}},
            {"h1", new List<string>         {"style", "class"}},
            {"h2", new List<string>         {"style", "class"}},
            {"h3", new List<string>         {"style", "class"}},
            {"h4", new List<string>         {"style", "class"}},
            {"h5", new List<string>         {"style", "class"}},
            {"h6", new List<string>         {"style", "class"}},
            {"font", new List<string>       {"style", "class", "color", "face", "size"}},
            {"strong", new List<string>     {"style", "class"}},
            {"b", new List<string>          {"style", "class"}},
            {"em", new List<string>         {"style", "class"}},
            {"i", new List<string>          {"style", "class"}},
            {"u", new List<string>          {"style", "class"}},
            {"strike", new List<string>     {"style", "class"}},
            {"ol", new List<string>         {"style", "class"}},
            {"ul", new List<string>         {"style", "class"}},
            {"li", new List<string>         {"style", "class"}},
            {"blockquote", new List<string> {"style", "class"}},
            {"code", new List<string>       {"style", "class"}},
            {"a", new List<string>          {"style", "class", "href", "title", "target"}},
            {"img", new List<string>        {"style", "class", "src", "height", "width", "alt", "title", "hspace", "vspace", "border"}},

            {"table", new List<string>      {"style", "class"}},
            {"thead", new List<string>      {"style", "class"}},
            {"tbody", new List<string>      {"style", "class"}},
            {"tfoot", new List<string>      {"style", "class"}},
            {"th", new List<string>         {"style", "class", "scope"}},
            {"tr", new List<string>         {"style", "class"}},
            {"td", new List<string>         {"style", "class", "colspan"}},

            {"q", new List<string>          {"style", "class", "cite"}},
            {"cite", new List<string>       {"style", "class"}},
            {"abbr", new List<string>       {"style", "class"}},
            {"acronym", new List<string>    {"style", "class"}},
            {"del", new List<string>        {"style", "class"}},
            {"ins", new List<string>        {"style", "class"}}

        /// <summary>
        /// Encodes the invalid HTML tags.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">The text.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string RemoveInvalidHtmlTags(string input)
            var html = input;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(html))
                return HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(input);

            return HtmlTagExpression.Replace(html, new MatchEvaluator(match =>
                var builder = new StringBuilder(match.Length);

                var tagStart = match.Groups["tag_start"];
                var tagEnd = match.Groups["tag_end"];
                var tag = match.Groups["tag"].Value;
                var attributes = match.Groups["attribute"];

                if (false == ValidHtmlTags.ContainsKey(tag))
                    builder.Append(tagStart.Success ? tagStart.Value : "<");
                    builder.Append(tagEnd.Success ? tagEnd.Value : ">");

                    return HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(builder.ToString());

                builder.Append(tagStart.Success ? tagStart.Value : "<");

                foreach (Capture attribute in attributes.Captures)
                    builder.Append(MatchHtmlAttribute(tag, attribute));

                // add nofollow to all hyperlinks
                if (tagStart.Success && tagStart.Value == "<" && tag.Equals("a", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    builder.Append(" rel=\"nofollow\"");

                builder.Append(tagEnd.Success ? tagEnd.Value : ">");

                return builder.ToString();

        private static string MatchHtmlAttribute(string tag, Capture capture)
            var output = string.Empty;
            var match = HtmlAttributeExpression.Match(capture.Value);

            var attribute = match.Groups["attribute"].Value;
            var value = match.Groups["value"].Value;

            if (ValidHtmlTags[tag].Contains(attribute))
                switch (attribute)
                    case "src":
                    case "href":
                        if (Regex.IsMatch(value, @"https?://[^""]+"))                           
                            //modified for external links
                            output = string.Format(" {0}=\"{1}\"", attribute, new Uri(value).ToString());
                        output = string.Format(" {0}=\"{1}\"", attribute, value);
            return output;

Note: 1. The above code allows external link only, not for relative links.

2. It will NOT remove any unmatched tag, only html encode it.

In ValidHtmlTags, You can add/remove tags as per your requirement. Suppose you configure your rich text editor to allow for links but not for images then you can remove img tag from ValidHtmlTags and It will encode img tag if it is present in the html input.

How to use:

After adding the above class in your project, call RemoveInvalidHtmlTags method and pass html input, it will return safe html.

 String safeHtml = HtmlUtility.RemoveInvalidHtmlTags(htmlInput);



 <a href="javascript:alert('XSS')">
    <img src="javascript:alert('XSS')" />


 <a rel="nofollow"><img/></a>






 <table background="javascript:alert('XSS')">




<a href="">google</a>


<a href="" rel="nofollow">google</a>


 <br style="border-bottom-width:1px" class="test" data-bind="xss"/>


 <br style="border-bottom-width:1px" class="test"/>

Hope, It helps.