Hello Everyone, Welcome to TechBrij. We are Brij and Kalpana, two passionate technologists and part time bloggers.
We have good experience in Microsoft .NET technologies (ASP.NET, C#, MVC, Web API ..) and open source technologies (Python, PHP, Node.js...) and front-end technologies (React, Angular, jQuery ...). Here, we share our learning notes and experience regarding the latest Web, Cloud and AI/ML technologies. Our aim is to give a better understanding of the technologies.
We love to build productive applications and tools on the Internet. TechBrij is started as our family tree application. Then different online tools, search utilities(FEDe, NetBrij) and BrijPad are added for web developers. Also, created a web application QKView for quick notes and cheatsheet, Android Apps: WallByDay and PlayByDay but later made them open source. You can find our project details on Projects page.
We are passionate about participating in online communities, discussion groups, blogs and to help our friends & other people when they need technical help.
You can find Brij on Twitter, LinkedIn, StackOverflow and Instagram.
Wow... With all of your love and support, Hisaab android app has now crossed 10000 downloads.

Thank you and keep supporting us!
My Certifications in AI/Machine Learning:

Two shots in one day!! Cleared "AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate" and "AWS Certified Developer - Associate" exams.

About TechBrij
TechBrij is a programming blog about ASP.NET, Javascript, C#, Node.js, Python, MVC, Web API, Angular, Blockchain, jQuery, developer & How To guides and tutorials. Recently, added hot trending topic Machine Learning. I started this blog in Jan 2010 and now it is under 200K Alexa rank world wide. You can follow TechBrij on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube and Github.
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Many TechBrij's articles are featured on official asp.net home page and "Articles of the Day" community section.
You can find more on Achievements page.
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