In this post, I will Give you the tips to solve some common problems of android smartphone.
3G connection problems or "2207 Issue":
Problem: This problem is an absolute mystery. You can be happy with your phone for months, and suddenly, without warning it appears and there is no turning back. Its technical name is Issue 2207 , but basically it is that if you're for a while connected to WiFi and suddenly you will have no longer access to 3g or 2g data . To allow your phone working again, you have to reboot or turn on airplane mode and then disable it. The funny thing is that it has been reported many times by many people and even Google doesn’t knows how to fix it.
Solution: Following the official thread of the problem I discovered Fix 3G connection , an application to "reset" the network each time you get disconnected with the WiFi.
Issue 2207: Net access fails after leaving WiFi
At the moment, it is a perfect solution for this problem, but my battery consumption has risen slightly. I highly recommend this solution to all of those who are facing this very same problem.
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Problem Connecting to USB [Root]:
Problem: Basically, when I connect my Android USB and I try to activate the "usb" to get files, it freezes. Or simply having problems to activate the USB mode of my phone. Or even this may happen that a computer does not recognize the phone's internal memory.
Solution: The solution to all these problems is Multi Mount SD-Card . MMSD-Card is a widget that will allow us to mount both the SD and internal memory of your phone with a simple click. Forget about the problems and difficulties in USB mode on your phone. There are two versions of this application, a free as well as paid.
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Power Button Issue:
Problem: Because X is not going very well the power button the phone or not you are comfortable using it.
Solution: Here we have different solutions
• Fix Broken Power Button : It will enable us to unlock your phone using the volume keys. It does not take root
• Quick Boot : We will allow shutdown or restart your phone with a widget.It takes root .
• Off Screen : It will enable us to turn off the screen of your phone. It does not take root
If you are having any other problems related to your android phone leave it in comments and I will reply with a fix for it.
This is a Guest Post by Greg Salter who has done extensive research on Android Phones. He is the editor of a technology blog on which he writes about Latest Android updates for Samsung and Htc smartphones. If you would like to write for us, check guidelines here.