May 21, 2015

A Better Way To Manage ASP.NET Session With Generic Wrapper

Before we get started, let us see the general way to use Session in ASP.NET

if (Session["UserName"] == null) 
    LabelUserName.Text = "Anonymous"; 
    LabelUserName.Text = (string)Session["UserName"]; 

You can feel some drawbacks e.g. to check null reference, type safety, to cast object..etc.

Now add following class and see how it solves the issues:

 public class SessionManager
        public static T Get<T>(string key)
             object sessionObject = HttpContext.Current.Session[key];
             if (sessionObject == null)
                 return default(T);
             return (T)HttpContext.Current.Session[key];


        public static T Get<T>(string key, T defaultValue)
            object sessionObject = HttpContext.Current.Session[key];
            if (sessionObject == null)
                HttpContext.Current.Session[key] = defaultValue;

            return (T)HttpContext.Current.Session[key];
        public static void Save<T>(string key, T entity)
            HttpContext.Current.Session[key] = entity;

        public static void Remove(string key)

It contains a few generic methods to read and write objects from/to the Session. You can use the above class in your ViewModel or Business Object (BO) to generate strongly typed property from the Session like below:

  public String UserName
            get { return SessionManager.Get<String>("UserName", "Anonymous"); }
            set { SessionManager.Save<String>("UserName", value);  }

        public Int32 UserId
            get { return SessionManager.Get<Int32>("UserId", -1); }
            set { SessionManager.Save<Int32>("UserId", value); }

The Initial example can be written in following way:

LabelUserName.Text = SessionManager.Get<String>("UserName", "Anonymous");


LabelUserName.Text = MyViewModel.UserName;

You can see how simple it is.

In this post, we created a generic version of getting and setting Session objects and created strongly typed properties using it.

Hope, It helps. Feel free to share your opinion in comment box.