Generally, A Web developer or designer want to search in his/her favorite sites first, but too complex to search in individual site one by one. Being a Front-End developer, I decided to create a search engine based on top sites, forums and blogs for HTML, CSS, Javascript and jQuery. After NetBrij(A Search engine for .NET developers), BrijPad(An online text editor for fast development), The next is FEDe (free from 'Brij' keyword :)). It's a search engine for Front-End (HTML, CSS, Javascript & jQuery) Web developers based on Google CSE.
Similar to NetBrij, It has different tabs.

Smashing: Smashing Magazine is the best online magazine for professional Web designers and developers and smashing network contribute a wide range of high-quality content to the Web design community. There are approx 50 sites in network for both web design and development. I tested one by one and added sites related to front-end development in this tab.
Stackoverflow: It's the best questions and answers site for web developers and one of my favourite site. It has solution of all known problems and experts are ready for the new problems. This tab has all stackoverflow related thread of your search query.
Beginner: It has sites like w3schools, java2s, sitepoint..etc for the beginner.
Others: FEDe has HTML, CSS and 'js jQuery' tabs for HTML, CSS and javascript respectively.
Adding FEDe to your Browser:
If you are using FF2+ or IE7+, you can add FEDe in your Browser's search engine list. First open FEDe in your browser.
For Firefox, expand search provider list and click Add "FEDe".

For IE, expand search provider list, click on Add Search Providers > FEDe then confirmation dialog will appear. Click on Add button.

Now, you can search from browser directly.
Hope, It'll be productive and save bunch of time. Feel free to give your opinion or suggestion to improve the search engine in comment box.