Recently, I introduced #TechBrijTips, A micro-blogging section on this website which has content like twitter posts. It is different from regular blog posts as it doesn't have any specific title. So I had a question what to display in the RSS feed of WordPress. It doesn't look good to me to display first few words of the main content. I decided to display title from Excerpt. In this post, we will see how to implement it.
We are going to use the_title_rss
hook to filter the post title for use in a feed.
add_filter( 'the_title_rss', 'custom_feed_title' );
Let's start with a simple function which adds TechBrij prefix in the existing title of any post type:
function custom_feed_title( $title ) {
return 'TechBrij: '. $title;
The output is for regular blog-posts feed:
<title>TechBrij: RabbitVCS: A TortoiseGit for Ubuntu</title>
<title>TechBrij: Introducing #TechBrijTips for Micro-blogging</title>
Let's update the title based on post type
function custom_feed_title( $title ) {
global $wp_query;
if ($wp_query->post->post_type == 'tip'){
return 'Tips: '. $title;
return $title;
and output of regular feed doesn't have TechBrij prefix which we added earlier:
<title>RabbitVCS: A TortoiseGit for Ubuntu</title>
<title>Introducing #TechBrijTips for Micro-blogging</title>
Let's get Excerpt as title for Tips:
function custom_feed_title( $title ) {
global $wp_query;
if ($wp_query->post->post_type == 'tip'){
return esc_html($wp_query->post->post_excerpt);
return $title;
In feed of Tips post type, you will get excerpt:
<title>How to get posts by multiple tag/category queries in Wordpress from URL</title>
<title>VSCode useful shortcut To navigate back to previous cursor position</title>
Excerpt might be too long for title, let's add ellipsis for long excerpt:
function custom_feed_title( $title ) {
global $wp_query;
if ($wp_query->post->post_type == 'tip'){
$title = $wp_query->post->post_excerpt;
if( strlen( $title) > 50) {
$str = explode( "\n", wordwrap( $title, 50));
$title = $str[0] . '...';
return esc_html($title);
else {
return $title;
Here is the final output:
<title>How to get posts by multiple tag/category queries...</title>
<title>VSCode useful shortcut To navigate back to...</title>
Firefox displays RSS feed in readable format:

In this tutorial, we saw how to customize WordPress feed title using simple hooks. Don't forget to subscribe #TechBrijTips Feed.
Enjoy WordPress!!