Sep 11, 2010

Write for TechBrij

TechBrij is a guest posting blog where you can share your knowledge/experience by submitting your article. You will get 1 backlink in author bio to your blog.


  • This is one of the top 100K sites in the world.
  • To get quality and permanent backlink, Increase traffic to your blog/website
  • This opportunity can help get more exposure for your blog or your brand on the Internet.


  • Technology tips and tricks related to software, internet and social media
  • Microsoft technologies: .Net, C#, ASP.NET
  • Blogging & SEO guides
  • Web designing (HTML, CSS, Javascript)
  • Mobile Technologies (Android, iPhone, Windows Phone)

Things that are a Must:

  • Original Content
  • Unique Content (Not published/republished elsewhere). If found, it will be deleted instantly.
  • No affiliate link or self promoted post
  • Give credit with a link if you are using image or quote text from another source.
  • No copyrighted material. In this case, all your blog posts will be removed.
  • At least 300 words and more
  • Respond your comments; it will give you more exposure.
  • Provide us Author bio in 2 lines with one link(website or profile)

How to submit:

Mail your article having subject "TechBrij Article Submission" to [email protected] in .doc or .txt format for review. It may be edited prior to publishing.

Thanks for your interest to write for TechBrij.