TechBrij is a guest posting blog where you can share your knowledge/experience by submitting your article. You will get 1 backlink in author bio to your blog.
- This is one of the top 100K sites in the world.
- To get quality and permanent backlink, Increase traffic to your blog/website
- This opportunity can help get more exposure for your blog or your brand on the Internet.
- Technology tips and tricks related to software, internet and social media
- Microsoft technologies: .Net, C#, ASP.NET
- Blogging & SEO guides
- Web designing (HTML, CSS, Javascript)
- Mobile Technologies (Android, iPhone, Windows Phone)
Things that are a Must:
- Original Content
- Unique Content (Not published/republished elsewhere). If found, it will be deleted instantly.
- No affiliate link or self promoted post
- Give credit with a link if you are using image or quote text from another source.
- No copyrighted material. In this case, all your blog posts will be removed.
- At least 300 words and more
- Respond your comments; it will give you more exposure.
- Provide us Author bio in 2 lines with one link(website or profile)
How to submit:
Mail your article having subject "TechBrij Article Submission" to in .doc or .txt format for review. It may be edited prior to publishing.
Thanks for your interest to write for TechBrij.